홈 >
전자코(e-nose)(Electronic Nose)
- 분석연구원
- 강민경 / 041-330-1082
- 설치장소
- 산업과학관 419호
- 모델명
- 제조사
- alpha-mos
- 제조국
- 프랑스
-교내: 25,000원/시료
-외부: 50,000원/시료
-외부: 50,000원/시료
원리 및 특징
가스크로마토 타입의 전자코는 냄새를 검출하는 화학센서 어레이와 센서에서 읽혀진 신호를 취득하여 패턴을 인식하는 시스템으로 구성됨
다양한 농축수산자원 등의 냄새, perfume
GC type E-nose (Heracles II)
1) Main frame
- Column temperature range: from ambient to 350 ℃ (max)
- Program rate: 0.1 to 20℃/sec through single ramp with init and final hold time
- Cool down time: 300℃ to ambient in 90 to 120sec at 20℃.
- Heat up time: 40 to 300℃ in 52sec at 5℃/sec or Less time
2) Injector
- Injection mode: vacuum pump or an internal carrier gas
- Valve switching or split-splitless injection.
- Temperature: Programmable injector and trap temperature from ambeint to 350℃ (max)
- Carrier gas supply, 60 to 80 PSIG, 99,995 % H2 or Air
- Flow Rate : Less than 50 mL/min
3) Dual Columns or Sensor Array
- Two capillary columns, 1m to 3 m length, 100㎛ to 320㎛ ID.
- Analysis time is less than 2 minute.
- Heating Method : Direct column Heating (Not oven heating)
- Fast column pressure and temperature programming with column temperature control from ambient air to 300℃ at 0.1 to 20℃/sec.
4) Purge & Trap:
- Trap is pre-concentration of the sample, the other one is filtering some compounds will be trapped and some not.
- Configuration: Carbosieve is for HighVOC and Tenax is for SemiVOC
5) Detector
- Type : Flame ionization detectors (FID) or MOS Sensor Array.
- Minimum detectable amount : Less than around (nC14) 100pg
- Carrier Gas : H2 or Pure Air
1) Main frame
- Column temperature range: from ambient to 350 ℃ (max)
- Program rate: 0.1 to 20℃/sec through single ramp with init and final hold time
- Cool down time: 300℃ to ambient in 90 to 120sec at 20℃.
- Heat up time: 40 to 300℃ in 52sec at 5℃/sec or Less time
2) Injector
- Injection mode: vacuum pump or an internal carrier gas
- Valve switching or split-splitless injection.
- Temperature: Programmable injector and trap temperature from ambeint to 350℃ (max)
- Carrier gas supply, 60 to 80 PSIG, 99,995 % H2 or Air
- Flow Rate : Less than 50 mL/min
3) Dual Columns or Sensor Array
- Two capillary columns, 1m to 3 m length, 100㎛ to 320㎛ ID.
- Analysis time is less than 2 minute.
- Heating Method : Direct column Heating (Not oven heating)
- Fast column pressure and temperature programming with column temperature control from ambient air to 300℃ at 0.1 to 20℃/sec.
4) Purge & Trap:
- Trap is pre-concentration of the sample, the other one is filtering some compounds will be trapped and some not.
- Configuration: Carbosieve is for HighVOC and Tenax is for SemiVOC
5) Detector
- Type : Flame ionization detectors (FID) or MOS Sensor Array.
- Minimum detectable amount : Less than around (nC14) 100pg
- Carrier Gas : H2 or Pure Air